Профиль для pomuteberfirspoom

- Тип пользователя: Пользователь
Новый участник
- Зарегистрирован: 15 нояб 2019
- Последний вход: 27 нояб 2019 06:08
- Часовой пояс: UTC +0:00
- Местное время: 02:25
- Просмотр профиля: 122
- Проживание: San Diego
- Дата рождения: 06 фев 1983
Folic acid is taken to reduce the likelihood of neural tube defects like Spina Bifida. Since is is most effective when those neural tubes are developing, women who are trying to conceive are advised to take pregnancy vitamins that contain, among other things, folic acid. Not taking it does not...
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